He cited recurring problems at meat processors, which can be reckless in their pursuit of profit. 他指出,肉类加工厂问题频出,它们很可能会不计后果地追逐利润。
Setting a recurring target for profit growth was intended to make companies more accountable to the market and focus management minds on achieving tangible results for shareholders. 为利润增长设定一个经常性目标,目的是使公司对市场更加负责,同时将管理层的注意力集中在为股东赢得切实的业绩上。
That show that the listed companies 'earnings have information, and market can give a higher return to recurring profit and loss than the non-monetary assets exchange gains and losses. 这说明上市公司的盈余具有信息含量,且市场对经常性损益较非货币性资产交换损益给以了更高的回报。